Size Matters
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NOTICE: This material is copyrighted and all right are reserved. (c) 1998, 1999 J. E. Wampler
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Table of Contents

Size Matters

Does size matter?

Does size matter?...

For example, data like...

What defines the extent of an atom?

Various Radii for atoms found in proteins

Carbon radii illustrated:


Surface definitions and calculations

Accessible surface determines how many solvent molecules can “touch”

The molecular surface is identified by concave regions.

Connolly’s MS program:

Connolly program...

Advantages of dot surface:

Electrostatic potential...

Coulombic electrostatic potential on a Molecular Surface

and the spatial derivatives indicate the contours of the electrostatic field...

Potential gradients around the Glu-Arg dipeptide

van der Waals radii are not standardized!

Applying some literature vdW’s to acetylene

Why does this matter?

Best combination of energy components

Solvation energy of charged molecules is very different from those of uncharged species

Author: John E. Wampler


Links: - broken link to half distance between centers in solid metal - broken link to Nat Alcock's Atomic Radii Tables. See Alcock (1990) below

AMBER- for references, force field details etc for the AMBER Force Field and the AMBER molecular simulation programs see here.
Sources of van der Waals Radii:

Allcock, N. W. (1990) Bonding and Structure (Ellis Horwood)

Bondi, A. (1964) "van der Waals Volumes and Radii," J. Phys. Chem. 68, 441 (1964)

Bondi, A. (1968) Physical Properties of Molecular Crystals, Liquids, and Glasses, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., NY (1968), chapter 14

Nyburg, S. C., and Faerman, C. H. (1985) "A Revision of van der Waals Atomic Radii for Molecular Crystals," Acta Crystallogr. B41, 274-279 (1985).

Pauling, L (1960) The Nature of the Chemical Bond, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY

Surface Types and Calculations:
Connolly, M. L. (1983a) “Solvent-accessible surfaces of proteins and nucleic acids,” Science 221, 709-713.

Connolly, M. L. (1983b) “Analytical Molecular Surface Calculation,” J. Applied Cryst. 16, 548-558.

Connolly, M. L. (1993) "The Molecular Surface Package," J. Mol. Graphics 11, 139-141.

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Solvation energies from surface and volume calculations:
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